
...to my online home.

For me, Home is a place, and also a feeling - a deep and rich one which I've sought time and again in my music and lyrics.

So, please come on in and make yourself at home. I'm so glad you are here. I'll do my best to keep you up-to-date with the happenings in my life and share with you those things that continue to interest me.

Maybe I'll see you here, or out there on the road, but I do hope I see you. And do stay in touch, if you're so inclined. We are, after all, in this together.

home spotlight 01


2 CDs - 24 Songs of the Soul.
and for the Soul.
A soothing slection for
these troubled times.  

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My latest cd, Ravens
and the Roses
musings of the times, 
is available right here!

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Resistance continues, 
every day somewhere
people gather
and persist...

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CrisVicki002I love my job. I love the couple of hours on stage when anything can happen, and often does. I love traveling that emotional, watery journey in the vessel composed of music and words. These are my tools, and it is my thinking that my job is to continuously hone them, and use them for the good of all. I do this in various venues: houses, churches, folk clubs, dinner clubs, festivals, cruises. Every venue and its accompanying audience is different, as you can imagine. So when you come to see me, or any other artist, you lend to the bhav, a Sanscrit word for the atmosphere of any room. When you're not there, the You that you bring is not there. Maybe you don't realize how you are missed when you don't come. Let me say that you really are missed. I notice. And, you make a difference. You really do.

Making a difference is my goal for the purpose of the music I make. Mostly, I feel so lucky to know that I have made a difference in this world, and continue to do so. Next year, I will be back out on the road in earnest, unveiling Pray, Tell as well as much-loved songs from The Changer and the Changed, and other cds, in live performance, and you can help. I would love to come to your town. You can make that happen by letting me know some place, venue, festival, church I should consider playing. Or, you could choose the DIY option. We can talk and walk you through this, helping you to help us by producing a concert yourself or with a group of friends. A concert is a made thing and you can do it. We'll send you an outline and check list to follow, and before you know it, we'll have done a show together! Your community will love it for there is nothing like live performance, is there? Its importance cannot be overstated, and once we are all in the room together, we are all of us so glad.

So...come to hear live music whenever and wherever it appears near you. It's important. It's a conversation you and I have been having for over 40 years, and we are so not done! Thanks to all of you for your heart-felt support. I am ever grateful. See you soon!

Bring me to your town: email for information 



Loving doing my livestreams, but also looking forward to more live shows, I could be heading your way soon, solo or with my talented pals.

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Sending and sharing a constant flow of things noticed, high water marks, and low water struggles, all gleaned from these fields of life.

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Coming soon, the return to these oft life-changing workshops, teaching techniques to songwriters and novices alike.

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Booking/Management/Media: Suite 5 Artists
PO Box 30067 Seattle WA 98103  206.706.7960 Email
Licensing/Distribution: Wolf Moon Records
PO Box 30067, Seattle WA 98113 Email
Contact Cris PO Box 30067, Seattle WA 98113 Email