Turning The Tables: The 150 Greatest Albums made by Women
I am deeply honored to be part of this list. That which we set out to do in the early ‘70s- to make music by women/for women – as well as other arts, other professions in which women had languished, unable to move or express themselves – took root over the years and abides still. I am grateful to those who helped so long ago, and to those who continue to help move us forward, not just women, but all of civilization. As Ann Powers (NPR Music) says of Turning the Tables, “This list is an intervention, a remedy, a correction of the historical record and hopefully the start of a new conversation. Compiled by nearly 50 women from across NPR and the public radio system and produced in partnership with Lincoln Center, it rethinks popular music to put women at the center.” The List ...
2 CDs - 24 Songs of the Soul.
and for the Soul.
A soothing slection for
these troubled times.
My latest cd, Ravens
and the Roses,
musings of the times,
is available right here!
Loving doing my livestreams, but also looking forward to more live shows, I could be heading your way soon, solo or with my talented pals.
Sending and sharing a constant flow of things noticed, high water marks, and low water struggles, all gleaned from these fields of life.
Coming soon, the return to these oft life-changing workshops, teaching techniques to songwriters and novices alike.