
...to my online home.

For me, Home is a place, and also a feeling - a deep and rich one which I've sought time and again in my music and lyrics.

So, please come on in and make yourself at home. I'm so glad you are here. I'll do my best to keep you up-to-date with the happenings in my life and share with you those things that continue to interest me.

Maybe I'll see you here, or out there on the road, but I do hope I see you. And do stay in touch, if you're so inclined. We are, after all, in this together.

home spotlight 01


2 CDs - 24 Songs of the Soul.
and for the Soul.
A soothing slection for
these troubled times.  

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My latest cd, Harbor Street,
musings of the times, 
thanks to your support,
is available right here!

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Resistance continues, 
every day somewhere
people gather
and persist...

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From Cris - Thank the Powers That Be that we have poets among us. Mary Oliver tells us: “This is the first, wildest and wisest thing I know: that the soul exists, and that it is built entirely out of attentiveness.” Paying attention is my job, and I can’t help but think that it is the job that belongs to all of us — if we would but do it. It takes practice, and everything here on earth reminds us every day in every way that things change. That is what remains the same…Change. It’s true and still startling to me. The way I’ve learned to deal with this is by changing what I can, and accept, of course, what I cannot. I always maintained that I wanted to have as much effect on life as it’s had on me. That seems fair, in its way. I look for fairness as I go, and notice when it is not. It isn’t fair that women should have to fear for their lives, get paid less for the same job, and not be seen as the amazing creatures they are. We do what we can. 
Even though it’s  well over 40 years old, The Changer and the Changed seems to still hold water, and continue to refresh those who find it. I’m honored to claim it, and thrilled to perform it, when I can, playing with my amazing and talented friends.  What a joy to play these old songs together. It feels new every time! I have to pay very close attention in the performance of these songs, written when I was not yet 30. Sometimes I feel as though I wrote them ahead of myself. Amazingly, they still seem to fit so much of the life I/we now live.

npr music logo rgbTurning The Tables: The 150 Greatest Albums made by Women  
I am deeply honored to be part of this list. That which we set out to do in the early ‘70s- to make music by women/for women – as well as other arts, other professions in which women had languished, unable to move or express themselves – took root over the years and abides still. I am grateful to those who helped so long ago, and to those who continue to help move us forward, not just women, but all of civilization. As Ann Powers (NPR Music) says of Turning the Tables, “This list is an intervention, a remedy, a correction of the historical record and hopefully the start of a new conversation. Compiled by nearly 50 women from across NPR and the public radio system and produced in partnership with Lincoln Center, it rethinks popular music to put women at the center.”  The List ...



Loving doing my livestreams, but also looking forward to more live shows, I could be heading your way soon, solo or with my talented pals.

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Sending and sharing a constant flow of things noticed, high water marks, and low water struggles, all gleaned from these fields of life.

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Coming soon, the return to these oft life-changing workshops, teaching techniques to songwriters and novices alike.

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Booking/Management/Media: Suite 5 Artists
PO Box 30067 Seattle WA 98103  206.706.7960 Email
Licensing/Distribution: Wolf Moon Records
PO Box 30067, Seattle WA 98113 Email
Contact Cris PO Box 30067, Seattle WA 98113 Email