The Labyrinth

Written by Cris Williamson on . Posted in Blog

Dearest Friends, I realize it's been a while since I've shown myself, in concert as well as here on the Web site. I want to thank those of you who have faithfully continued to check the site, and who have communicated with me by email as well as cards and letters.

I am trying to send new things here to the site, but have been in a difficult period of deja vu as one year later, I am walking in my own footsteps on the way to my new life.

I am still struggling, but gradually getting better. Sadness and grief surely take their own labyrinthian time. Teresa Trull and I are getting our heads together around the new CD. Let me thank you here and now -- those of you who have donated so generously to make this CD happen. I honestly do not care to know what my life would be without each and every one of you. I am truly humbled by your gifts, and hope that my gifts will only reflect yours.

Weather here in Oregon has been dry and cold, which has been a boon for me in terms of my mental health! The horses are all fuzzy with frosted whiskers many a morning, whickering softly for their oats. I made them talk for their only seems fair to have that exchange, don't you think? Vocal exchange is thin here...just me, myself, and I, and though I try to keep up my end of things, the response is not always great!

Looks as though I'll be doing a bit more teaching here and there...workshops and lectures...always a challenge, always a test of my own knowledge. Being a scholar at heart, I remain the continuous student, and I am studying loneliness and solitude among other things these days. Patience is required in this life for all endeavor, including recovery. It's a lot to learn, and oh, so humbling.

My visit with my Mother was deep, and she and I are trying very, very hard to break through old patterns, old barriers to love. One thing about this last year is true: I now have the perfect means of comparison for many, many difficult things. Compared to heartbreak, some things look easy!

Soon, Spring will always does, no matter what. The rolling blackout of last year will be further from me, and I feel a bit more joy and hope rising up, like a natural force, from ground tended, and seeds planted. The new CD will be a garden, then, of a different kind...and we will all enjoy the fruits of our mutual labor of love. Sending this with much love for all of you who remain true-blue.

Love, Cris


Booking/Management/Media: Suite 5 Artists
PO Box 30067 Seattle WA 98103  206.706.7960 Email
Licensing/Distribution: Wolf Moon Records
PO Box 30067, Seattle WA 98113 Email
Contact Cris PO Box 30067, Seattle WA 98113 Email