The Edge

Written by Cris Williamson on . Posted in Blog

I am recently back from my two-week stay in PTown, where I played every day at 5:15, the "Vesper Hour" there in the cabaret, surely the earliest show in Provincetown, where business overall is down by a third. My audiences were small but fervent, and I felt deeply received.

I speak of my personal journey on stage, because "entertainment" is not always what I do. If I move people, if we all think deeply about what we, as humans, go through here on Earth, then I accomplish what I mean to do. People are so supportive, generally, of this public and difficult road I walk, encouraging me to say whatever I feel, and to deal with what is on my plate in the best way I know how -- from stage, and armed only with words and music.

Perhaps this is not always of interest to others, and it will not always be what I will be doing, but for now, it is what it is, and I beg your patience and forgiveness as I make my way through this Mystery.

I had a good time there on the edge of the Atlantic. I saw so many old friends who live there, and spent quality time in deep conversations with all of them. I saw Ferron's show and she made me absolutely weep so deeply. She is such a great poet of the Human Condition. Suzanne Westenhoefer's show was so great, and we two spent time together, she showing me sides of PTown I'd never seen before!

Saw Kate Clinton's show--always brilliant and a great reminder that we must all vote this year. You can check out the candidate of your choice on the Web sites they all offer...just vote. If you want my opinion, I think we must vote for the Gore ticket, if only to ensure the quality of the Supreme Court and who sits in judgement there. Will the environment be protected by Bush? Not likely. So many issues, so many broken promises. Although I love Nader I think we must not split the vote. I don't personally want George W. in there, but you make your choices. Inform yourselves, and above all, take the time to VOTE!

Fall is hovering round the edges here in Oregon. I continue to heal and want so much to thank all of you for your continuous support as I go through this hard year. With your help, I shall survive. Much, much love from here...Cris


Booking/Management/Media: Suite 5 Artists
PO Box 30067 Seattle WA 98103  206.706.7960 Email
Licensing/Distribution: Wolf Moon Records
PO Box 30067, Seattle WA 98113 Email
Contact Cris PO Box 30067, Seattle WA 98113 Email