New Year

Written by Cris Williamson on . Posted in Blog

Hey everybody! Happy New Year to all of you! 2004 has just begun... good luck to all of us here on earth... None of us knows what lies ahead, but still we walk in faith...

I stood on the porch in Seattle on a rare, clear winter's night, looking up into the dark, gazing at the distant Red Planet, now closer than ever, thinking in amazement: God! Part of us is up there now! Like a lot of you, I've been following this Mars Expedition with deep interest. What a relief, how wondrous it is to turn our thoughts upward for a change! How weary we all are -- especially those I would think, who daily tread the sandy battlelines--of this war for Economic Empire. How beautiful, then, to turn our gaze to the Heavens. And how satisfyingly proud are we to see and hear so many women on the scientific panel of experts? Well...very, that's all. And I must admit, I cannot help but grow inordinately fond - in some anthropomorphic way - of the
Rover, Spirit by name.

And talk about yer weather, eh? People are freezing on the East Coast, and I mean sincerely freezing! Reminds me of Wyoming childhood winter days, when school was seldom cancelled. Snow came to Seattle and did people ever get excited! Hordes of adults and kids flew down the snowy hills on anything that would slide--including, apparently, a mattress, which unfortunately hit a passerby and sent her to the hospital! I walked into the corner store, but some people skied in! Lots of major catastrophes due to overload of snow, as well as people getting lost in the backcountry, some lost, some found.

I am well, and my girlfriend (Bless her big heart!) is too. One of the cats is sleeping as I write, basking under the lamp where I needed my notebook to be, but of course, I moved it, not the girl. Cats truly rule! The other,
sits in the office window looking at the songbirds at the feeder...TV for kitties! Just finished cleaning up the horses, and singing to them while I brushed their hair. They do not seem to mind...

Hoping this finds you well, enjoying and loving this wondrous, mysterious life. I"ll get back to you to work on some new songs...Oh joy!

Love from here... Cris


Booking/Management/Media: Suite 5 Artists
PO Box 30067 Seattle WA 98103  206.706.7960 Email
Publicity: Propeller Publicity Email
Licensing/Distribution: Wolf Moon Records
PO Box 30067, Seattle WA 98113 Email
Contact Cris PO Box 30067, Seattle WA 98113 Email